Thursday, July 18, 2024

Similarities of Sea and Place names across the world

Summary: The names of Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Cyprus Island and Bethlehem can be traced to an Indian Language Tamil. 

1. Mediterranean Sea (In Tamil மெடிட்டேரியன் கடல்)

The term "Mediterranean" is broken down into "Medi" and "Terrain," which aligns with the Tamil words "Madu" (மடு), meaning cavity, and "Tharai" (தரை), meaning land surface. This connection suggests that "Madutharai" (a sea in a cavity in the midst of land) evolved into "Mediterrai" and eventually "Mediterranean," highlighting a conceptual similarity between the geographical feature and the Tamil words.

மெடிட்டேரியன் என்ற சொல் மடுதரை (மடு (Cavity) + தரை (Land Surface)) என்ற தமிழ்ச் சொல்லின் திரிபு என்றும் கூறப்படுகிறது. 

2. Red Sea, Erythra thalassa(ancient name) (In Tamil செங்கடல்)

The term "Erithreyan Sea," now known as the Red Sea, is linked to the Tamil words "Eri" (எரி), meaning burning, and "Thirai" (திரை), meaning wave. This suggests the name describes the Red Sea as a "sea of burning waves," reflecting its vivid appearance.

செங்கடலை கிரேக்க மொழியில் Erythra thalassa (எரித்ர தலசா) என்றும், இலத்தின் மொழியில் Mare Erythraeum (மரே எரித்ரயம்) என்றும் குறிப்பிடப்படுவதால் முன்பு இதனை எரித்ரயன் சீ (Erithreyan sea) என்று அழைப்பர்..

3. Caspian Sea (In Tamil கசப்பு கடல்)

The name "Caspian Sea" is linked to the Tamil word "Kasappu" (கசப்பு), meaning bitter. This suggests that "Kasappu" evolved into "Caspean" in Western languages, reflecting the sea's bitter taste, despite being a landlocked water body expected to be drinkable.

4. Cyprus Island (in Tamil சைப்ரஸ்)

The name "Cyprus" is linked to the Tamil words "Seppu" (செப்பு), meaning copper, and "Arai" (அறை), meaning mining pit. This suggests that "Sepparai," evolving into "Seiprais" and then "Cyprus," reflects the island's historical significance as a copper mining center.

சைப்ரஸ் என்ற ஆங்கிலச் சொல் செப்பறை (செப்பு (Copper) + அறை (Mine)) என்று தமிழில் விளக்கம் கூறலாம்.

5. Bethlehem (In Tamil பெத்லகேம்)

The name "Bethlehem" is linked to Tamil words: "Beth" (பெத்) meaning living place, "Alahu" (அலகு) meaning grain, and "Aham" (அகம்) meaning inside. This connection suggests that "Bethlehem" signifies a place of grain storage. Additionally, "Beth" shares a common root with other place names such as "Tirupathi" (பதி), "Islamabad" (பாத்), and "Jolarpet" (பேட்), all indicating a place of living.

பெத்லகேம் நகரின் எபிரேயப் பெயர் "Beit Leḥm" அல்லது Beyt Leḥem (בֵּית לֶחֶם‎) என்று வரும். அரபியில் அதன் பொருள் புலால் வீடு (House of Meat) என்றும் எபிரேயத்தில் அப்ப வீடு (House of Bread) என்றும் அமையும்.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A revered Christian saint and a distinguished Tamil scholar, each demonstrating profound dedication by enduring self-inflicted penances

Saint Jerome, dedicated to study, prayer and penance. He carries in his hand to beat himself as part of penance. (c. 347-420 AD) 

Sathanar was an excellent Tamil poet, if anyone else composed poetry poorly, he would not punish them; instead, he would punish himself. He would punish himself by stabbing his head with his pen. As a result, not only did sores appear here and there on his head, but they also became infected with pus. Therefore, he was called 'Sīr-thalai' Sathanar (Pus-headed Sathanar). Over time, known as 'Sīthalai Sathanar'. He was called 'Madurai Pathinettu Kulavanikan Sīthalai Sathanar' (Sīthalai Sathanar, the Merchant of 18 Grains from Madurai). The author of the Tamil epic "Manimekalai" is Seethalai Sathanar. "Manimekalai" is one of the five great epics of Tamil literature and serves as a sequel to "Silappatikaram," another significant epic composed by Ilango Adigal. He is traditionally believed to have lived around the 1st century CE.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Saints across the cultures

A powerful metaphor for the challenges one faces on the path to enlightenment. 

St. Jerome's (c. 347-420 AD) combated the temptations of the courtesans, adopted rigorous ascetic practices, translated Bible into Latin and left a lasting legacy. 

To tempt Buddha, Mara sent his three daughters—Tanha (Desire), Raga (Lust), and Arati (Aversion)—to tempt Siddhartha. They approached him with seductive dances and tried to distract him with their beauty and allure. Overcame the temptations, Siddhartha demonstrated his mastery over desire and attachment.