Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Wishing 2025 filled with peace, happiness, and success

May your heart be light, your days bright, and your year just right! Wishing 2025 filled with peace, happiness, and success.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

No more duel but dual/duet among collaborators and competitors

Lot of festival victories of good over evil in the last couple of months, mostly killings. But not in modern times, during next week election winning leader will not kill the other leader. It was a duel (and gladiators) in the ancient past, but nowadays it is more of a dual/duet, involving collaborative competition between different parties (leaders and voters).

Durga Puja: victory of Maa Durga over Mahishasura/Mysore Arasan/மைசூர் அரசன்(Tamil).  

Diwali: Lord Krishna's victory over Narakasura (or Narakasur நரகாசுரன்).  Victory over அரக்கன்/Arakkan, அசுரன்/Asura, காட்டுமிராண்டிகள்/Savages.

Dussehra: This is when Ravana and his brothers bites the dust. (பத்து கலைகளை அறிந்து கொண்டவன் or known as பத்து/ten தலைகளை/heads கொண்டவன்.  Ra + Vanan = Knowledge of nigh sky /astrology (Night/Ra/ரா Sky/Vanan/வானன்). கும்பகர்ணன் (Kumbakarnan) is a rishi and his brother and it took long time to get him of meditation by various soldiers (or can be alternatively known as he was sleeping). Reminds the Tamil prince Bodhidharma, a fervent meditator, the originator of Chan Buddhism in China, later evolved as Zen in Japan and not much in other places including his native place Tamilnadu. According to legends, Bodhidharma meditated in a cave for nine years, facing a wall in deep and unwavering contemplation. The local rulers and soldiers, amazed by his discipline and dedication, tried various means to draw him out of this meditative state. Perhaps a similar attempt made by Ravana soldiers to get Kumbakarna out meditation (or deep sleep or an alternative story).

Kanda Sashti (or Skanda Shashti): Lord Murugan (or Kartikeya) vanquishes Surapadman, along with other demons like Tarakasura and Simhamukha.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Divinity can provide or divide

 Divinity can provide or divinity can divide, and it is all in human hands.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Are humans curse or boon?

 Is humanity the earth’s present cause?

Or is humanity the earth's current curse?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Proto-galactic fragments in the inner Milky Way named after Shiva and Shakti as symbolic representation


The researchers, Khyati Malhan and Hans-Walter Rix, named the two newly discovered proto-galactic fragments in the inner Milky Way Shiva and Shakti as a symbolic reflection of the cosmic forces represented in Hindu cosmology. 

In Hinduism:

Shiva represents the forces of destruction and regeneration, symbolizing the cyclical nature of the universe, where destruction leads to rebirth and transformation.

Shakti represents creative energy and power, often seen as the dynamic force that drives the creation and sustenance of the universe.

Source: Two ancient star streams that built early Milky Way galaxy found | CNN

Monday, September 23, 2024

Immortality Cure and the Divide Between Haves and Have Nots

1. In Hindu mythology, humans (Devas and Asuras) churn the ocean and got Amrita/Nectar to attain immortality.

Devas pirated/tricked Amrita from Asuras after their teamwork.

2. In modern times, humans found Sea Squirts living in the ocean having the cure for cancer cells. 

In modern times, rich countries may do Biopiracy against poor countries. They may fail to share the fair share with poor.

Note: Sea squirts are among an endless list of animals, plants, and microbes that stand to improve human lives. They also produce chemical compounds to defend themselves that are known to damage cancer cells.

Researchers estimate that an astonishing 70 percent of antibiotics and cancer treatments in use today are rooted in natural organisms, from plants to snakes to sea sponges.



Sunday, September 8, 2024

Happy Vinayagar Chaturthi

Happy Vinayagar Chaturthi/விநாயகர் சதுர்த்தி. A few millennium years old tradition, fostered a sense of unity and belonging among the villagers.

Nowadays everyone has a calendar, clocks, and smart phones. Move the camera back into few millennium years where villagers may not have these, but they had beautiful Sky as the clock, perhaps a good TV show at night. On 4th day (Chatur/Four/சதுர்/चतुर्) of waxing moon monks, Chittars (சித்தர்), Buddhist monks (புத்தர், பௌத்தர்), Vinayagars (விநாயகர்,விண் நாயகர்) were visiting villages, a practice in Hindu culture, particularly in South India. Perhaps these monks, often itinerant and ascetic, are believed to be carriers of blessings, medical knowledge, and spiritual energy. The villagers welcome the monks with traditional rituals, such as offering flowers, fruits, and sweets. Villagers will tell their issues and monks provided solutions, obstacle removers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Few examples of propitiatory acts in scriptures

Propitiatory acts can be performed for the benefit of society or the community as well.

Yashoda : Unknowingly involved in a propitiatory act, she had her child swapped without her consent, participating in a cosmic plan—a sacrificial act for the greater good.

Sita : Sita’s forced journey into the forest, without her prior knowledge, was a propitiatory move to uphold dharma—a sacrificial act for the kingdom's greater good.

Draupadi : Her propitiatory marriage to the five Pandava brothers was conducted without her counsel to fulfill divine prophecy.

Sati (Rukmini and Satyabhama) : Their propitiatory act, seen as a noble sacrifice, was perhaps to ensure their husbands' eternal glory and maintain family honor.

Parvati as Sati : In an act of rebellion, she immolated herself to protest her father’s disdain for Shiva, praying to be reborn as Shiva’s wife. In later days, the practice of Sati was observed, and forced Sati was documented. After the arrival of the British, the practice was gradually eliminated through laws.

Madri : She performed Sati, believing Kunti would care for the children and feeling obligated to atone for her husband's death, which she attributed to his attraction to her. https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/mahabharata/d/doc118372.html

Propitiatory acts have parallels in other cultures and scriptures worldwide. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jacob's Ladder: A Symbol of Striving Toward Higher Ideals

Jacob's Ladder is a ladder leading to heaven that was featured in a dream the biblical Patriarch Jacob had during his flight from his brother Esau in the Book of Genesis.

"He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." (Genesis 28:12, NIV)

This ladder concept signifies a connection between the divine (heaven) and the earthly (earth), serving as a symbol of mediation between God and humanity via angels. It represents God's guidance and signifies the responsibility for moral and spiritual development, striving to ascend toward higher ideals. The ladder also symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things, with heaven and earth being linked as part of a unified cosmos.

  1. Jesus referred to this in John 1:51.

  2. Muslims believe the Islamic prophet Muhammad (AD 570–632) took a miraculous journey during a single night around the year AD 621 (Isra and Miraj).

  3. Staircases in temples lead up to the garbhagriha, symbolizing the ascent towards spiritual enlightenment or union with the divine.

  4. Various Puranas and spiritual texts describe the wisdom and stages of ascent achieved by sages and saints.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Death Ceremony similarities between Tamil/Indian culture and Egyptian culture

Death Ceremony similarities between Tamil/Indian culture and Egyptian culture

In summary, there is a belief that the deceased do not cease to exist but continue their journey into the next world.

 In Tamil Nadu (India), the death ceremony includes many rituals such bathing the dead body, anointing with oil, new dress, put a coin, and put a food in the mouth.

These rituals are common all over the world. Perhaps closest similarity is Egyptian culture. Egyptian custom includes activities such as Mummification and purification rituals, dressing the mummy in fine linen and adorning with amulets, placing a coin or offering in the tomb, and the opening of the mouth ceremony.

1. General Offering to Ancestors:

  • Tamil Nadu: Rituals like Tarpanam (in Tamil தர்ப்பணம்) are performed to honor ancestors and ensure their peace in the afterlife. The word "Tarpanam" means "to satisfy" or "to satiate". These rituals are performed during Amavasya/No moon or new moon. Lunar cycle from new moon to full moon to new moon symbolizes the concepts of birth, life, and death, often seen as part of a continuous cosmic cycle.
  • Ancient Egypt: Offerings and prayers were made to ensure safe passage to the afterlife.
  • Chinese and Japanese Cultures: Similar offerings are made during festivals like the Obon (Japan) and Hungry Ghost Festival (China, appeasing a wider range of spirits).

2. Bathing and Anointing the Deceased:

  • Tamil Nadu: The dead body is bathed and anointed with (sesame) oil as a purification ritual before the final rites.
  • Ancient Egypt: Mummification involved washing and anointing the body with oils and resins to preserve it and prepare it for the afterlife.
  • Hindu and Native American Cultures: Similar rituals involve bathing and anointing the deceased to purify them before burial or cremation, often using sacred oils and herbs.

3. Dressing the Deceased in New Clothes:

  • Tamil Nadu: The dead body is worn with a new cloth. A symbolic gesture that the deceased is ready for their new life or journey.
  • Ancient Egypt: Mummies were adorned with amulets wrapped (and in fine linen) for protection and to symbolize purity.
  • Christian and Islamic Traditions: The deceased are dressed in clean garments, often white, symbolizing purity and readiness for the afterlife.

4. Placing a Coin on the Head:

  • Tamil Nadu: A coin is placed on the head or in the hand of the deceased to provide for their journey in the afterlife.
  • Ancient Egypt: Mummies were adorned with amulets wrapped (and in fine linen) for protection and to symbolize purity. The Egyptians believed that material possessions were essential for a comfortable existence in the afterlife. Kings/rich have elaborate rituals whereas poor simply dry the dead body in the desert sand. Same social hierarchy will be mirrored in the next world.
  • Ancient Greece and Rome: Coins were placed in the mouth or on the eyes of the deceased as payment to Charon, the ferryman of the underworld, to transport the soul across the River Styx.
  • Various European Cultures: Coins or small tokens were sometimes buried with the deceased as part of funeral rites.

5. Putting Food in the Mouth of the Deceased:

  • Tamil Nadu: Food (in Tamil வாய்க்கரிசி) is placed in the mouth to prevent hunger in the afterlife. There's a belief that if the deceased is hungry in the afterlife, it could bring misfortune to the living family.
  • Ancient Egypt: The "Opening of the Mouth" ceremony ensured that the deceased could eat and speak in the afterlife.
  • Roman and Certain African Traditions: Food offerings are made to ensure that the deceased do not go hungry in the afterlife.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Connections between Crow, No Moon, physical and spiritual realm in Tamil/Indian culture

Crow is the most intelligent bird. It needs respect all the time not just during Amavasya (no moon day).

1. Tamil tradition, the crow is considered a messenger between the living and the dead. It is a beautiful love of the living family members, by offering food, ensure that the ancestors are well-fed and satisfied in the afterlife. In folklore, it is often associated with the ability to navigate between different worlds, making it an appropriate intermediary for communicating with the spirits of the deceased. The black color of crows, akin to the darkness of Amavasya night, symbolizes the connection between the living and the departed. 

2. During Aadi Amavasya, barriers between the physical world and the spiritual world are thinner, making it easier to communicate with the souls of the departed.  The darkness of the night is seen as a symbol of the unseen world, where ancestors reside. This makes it an ideal time to offer prayers and rituals to seek their blessings and ensure their peace in the afterlife. The dark night of Amavasya, devoid of moonlight, represents the mystery and the unknown, much like death itself. Absence of the moon enhances the connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm. 

In science, during the summer earth is far away from sun (in Thai Amavasya, Jan-Feb, in winter earth is closer the sun). So, space distance does not matter but love distance to the ancestor matter.

3. The question is not whether the soul scientifically exists; it is better if the soul exists, rather than being soulless beings.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Happy Friendship Day 2024


Happy Friendship Day 2024

Snippets from Thirukkural

குறள் 782:

நிறைநீர நீரவர் கேண்மை பிறைமதிப்
பின்னீர பேதையார் நட்பு.

Friendship with men fulfilled of good Waxes like the crescent moon;
Friendship with men of foolish mood, Like the full orb, waneth soon.

குறள் 783:

நவில்தொறும் நூல்நயம் போலும் பயில்தொறும்
பண்புடை யாளர் தொடர்பு.

Like learning, the friendship of the noble, the more it is cultivated, the more delightful does it become.

குறள் 795:

அழச்சொல்லி அல்லது இடித்து வழக்கறிய
வல்லார்நடபு ஆய்ந்து கொளல்.

You should examine and secure the friendship of those who can speak so as to make you weep over a crime (before its commission) or rebuke you severely (after you have done it) and are able to teach you (the ways of) the world.

What is Thirukkural (திருக்குறள்)?

The Thirukkural, often referred to as the "Tamil Marai" (Tamil Veda), is a revered Tamil literary work composed by the ancient poet Thiruvalluvar over 2,000 years ago. It consists of 1,330 couplets, known as kurals, which provide concise and profound insights into various aspects of life. The text is organized into three sections: Virtue (Aram), Wealth (Porul), and Love (Inbam), each offering practical advice on ethical living, governance, and personal relationships. Renowned for its universal wisdom and moral guidance, the Thirukkural remains a cornerstone of Tamil literature and philosophy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kural 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Jesus's last words in Aramaic language are similar to Tamil

*Jesus's last words in Aramaic language are similar to Tamil*

Elloi! Elloi! Lama! Saba(c) Tha Ni

Oh God! Oh God! Oh Lama! Death Give You

எல்லோய்! எல்லோய்! லாமா! சாபக்(சாவு) தா நீ


Oh God! Oh God! Oh Lama! cursed (by) You

எல்லோய்! எல்லோய்! லாமா! சபித்தாய் நீ (More closer to Bible meaning. சபித்தாய் --> Cursed/forsaken)

Perhaps Jesus might have explored India before his disciple arrived in India. Perhaps Jesus well versed in Indian spiritual teachings and Buddhism during his young age.


எல்லோய் (Elloi) --> எல்/El denotes god in Tamil (Ellamma -> எல்லம்மா,  Ellan -> எல்லன், Ellalan -> எல்லாளன்)

லாமா (Lama) --> Perhaps refers to Buddha. Perhaps Jesus a Buddhist monk, a Lama. "Lama" refers to a teacher of the Dharma. Traditionally next Thalai Lama is chosen in direction in which the previous Dalai Lama's head tilted before his death. Perhaps 3 wise people from east visited baby Jesus perhaps from India. 14th Dalai Lama was enthroned when he was 4 ½ years old and renamed Tenzin Gyatso. In the case of the 13th Dalai Lama, after his death, his body lay facing south. The search for him began soon after the 13th Dalai Lama died. https://theconversation.com/how-the-dalai-lama-is-chosen-and-why-china-wants-to-appoint-its-own-114351

சபித்தாய்(Sabithai) - Cursed/forsaken

சாபக் (sabach) --> Sabam (சாபம்) -- Savam (சாவம்,சாவு)

தா (Tha) --> Give

நீ (You)

Bible: Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34 

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).



Thursday, July 18, 2024

Similarities of Sea and Place names across the world

Summary: The names of Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Cyprus Island and Bethlehem can be traced to an Indian Language Tamil. 

1. Mediterranean Sea (In Tamil மெடிட்டேரியன் கடல்)

The term "Mediterranean" is broken down into "Medi" and "Terrain," which aligns with the Tamil words "Madu" (மடு), meaning cavity, and "Tharai" (தரை), meaning land surface. This connection suggests that "Madutharai" (a sea in a cavity in the midst of land) evolved into "Mediterrai" and eventually "Mediterranean," highlighting a conceptual similarity between the geographical feature and the Tamil words.

மெடிட்டேரியன் என்ற சொல் மடுதரை (மடு (Cavity) + தரை (Land Surface)) என்ற தமிழ்ச் சொல்லின் திரிபு என்றும் கூறப்படுகிறது.


2. Red Sea, Erythra thalassa(ancient name) (In Tamil செங்கடல்)

The term "Erithreyan Sea," now known as the Red Sea, is linked to the Tamil words "Eri" (எரி), meaning burning, and "Thirai" (திரை), meaning wave. This suggests the name describes the Red Sea as a "sea of burning waves," reflecting its vivid appearance.

செங்கடலை கிரேக்க மொழியில் Erythra thalassa (எரித்ர தலசா) என்றும், இலத்தின் மொழியில் Mare Erythraeum (மரே எரித்ரயம்) என்றும் குறிப்பிடப்படுவதால் முன்பு இதனை எரித்ரயன் சீ (Erithreyan sea) என்று அழைப்பர்..


3. Caspian Sea (In Tamil கசப்பு கடல்)

The name "Caspian Sea" is linked to the Tamil word "Kasappu" (கசப்பு), meaning bitter. This suggests that "Kasappu" evolved into "Caspean" in Western languages, reflecting the sea's bitter taste, despite being a landlocked water body expected to be drinkable.

4. Cyprus Island (in Tamil சைப்ரஸ்)

The name "Cyprus" is linked to the Tamil words "Seppu" (செப்பு), meaning copper, and "Arai" (அறை), meaning mining pit. This suggests that "Sepparai," evolving into "Seiprais" and then "Cyprus," reflects the island's historical significance as a copper mining center.

சைப்ரஸ் என்ற ஆங்கிலச் சொல் செப்பறை (செப்பு (Copper) + அறை (Mine)) என்று தமிழில் விளக்கம் கூறலாம்.


5. Bethlehem (In Tamil பெத்லகேம்)

The name "Bethlehem" is linked to Tamil words: "Beth" (பெத்) meaning living place, "Alahu" (அலகு) meaning grain, and "Aham" (அகம்) meaning inside. This connection suggests that "Bethlehem" signifies a place of grain storage. Additionally, "Beth" shares a common root with other place names such as "Tirupathi" (பதி), "Islamabad" (பாத்), and "Jolarpet" (பேட்), all indicating a place of living.

பெத்லகேம் நகரின் எபிரேயப் பெயர் "Beit Leḥm" அல்லது Beyt Leḥem (בֵּית לֶחֶם‎) என்று வரும். அரபியில் அதன் பொருள் புலால் வீடு (House of Meat) என்றும் எபிரேயத்தில் அப்ப வீடு (House of Bread) என்றும் அமையும்.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A revered Christian saint and a distinguished Tamil scholar, each demonstrating profound dedication by enduring self-inflicted penances

Saint Jerome, dedicated to study, prayer and penance. He carries in his hand to beat himself as part of penance. (c. 347-420 AD) 

Sathanar was an excellent Tamil poet, if anyone else composed poetry poorly, he would not punish them; instead, he would punish himself. He would punish himself by stabbing his head with his pen. As a result, not only did sores appear here and there on his head, but they also became infected with pus. Therefore, he was called 'Sīr-thalai' Sathanar (Pus-headed Sathanar). Over time, known as 'Sīthalai Sathanar'. He was called 'Madurai Pathinettu Kulavanikan Sīthalai Sathanar' (Sīthalai Sathanar, the Merchant of 18 Grains from Madurai). The author of the Tamil epic "Manimekalai" is Seethalai Sathanar. "Manimekalai" is one of the five great epics of Tamil literature and serves as a sequel to "Silappatikaram," another significant epic composed by Ilango Adigal. He is traditionally believed to have lived around the 1st century CE.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Saints across the cultures

A powerful metaphor for the challenges one faces on the path to enlightenment. 

St. Jerome's (c. 347-420 AD) combated the temptations of the courtesans, adopted rigorous ascetic practices, translated Bible into Latin and left a lasting legacy. 

To tempt Buddha, Mara sent his three daughters—Tanha (Desire), Raga (Lust), and Arati (Aversion)—to tempt Siddhartha. They approached him with seductive dances and tried to distract him with their beauty and allure. Overcame the temptations, Siddhartha demonstrated his mastery over desire and attachment.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's day remembering all mothers of the world Devi, Mary, Khadijah, Isis, & Demeter

A mother is "The person who has done more for you than anyone in the world". 

To the magnificent woman who channels the enduring love of Devi, the nurturing grace of Mary, and the steadfast wisdom of Khadijah,

In you, we see the divine qualities of Isis, the great Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility, who protected her child with fierce devotion. You share the resilience and courage of Ishtar, the Mesopotamian deity of love and war, guiding us through life's battles with strength and compassion. And in your caring hands, we feel the warmth of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest, who sustains and nourishes all life.

Happy Mother's day