A life design, life eat life. Either you are a hunter or hunted.
A life paradox, while you are hunting for food, you are being hunted for food.
Is this design the intention of the designer?
Is it intention of the designer for the designed to design on their own for a better design?
Or no designer at all and you are on own. Is it a game of chance?
Perhaps we need many thinkers like the ancient times.
Rigveda (Mandala 10: Hymn 129)
Who really knows?
Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced?
Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?
Whence this creation has arisen
- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -
the One who looks down on it,
in the highest heaven, only He knows
or perhaps He does not know.